Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm back!

I have been taking a little blogging break these last couple of weeks. Kaylen is home from school for the summer, and with her activities and school in KC for Avery I just don't seem to find the quiet time to sit at the computer to upload pictures and update this blog like I did during the winter.

I find that I enjoy "being" a mommy more than "blogging" about it and so my blog updates are getting spaced out a little. I do love sharing pictures of my girls and the fun that we have, so I will keep trying to add new entries as often as I can. I created this blog for fun, not to add another "must do" to my to do list, and sometimes that's how it feels. I don't want to be a "bitter blogger."

I read some pretty "heavy" blogs, Confessions of CF Husband, Bring the Rain, and several others that really make me stop and think about everything in my life that I take for granted. These stories make me feel like some of the things I might share with the rest of the world are kind of trivial. I know, our life isn't trivial, we have our share of heartache here at the Hart house, it just feels that way sometimes.

I also read some pretty "light" blogs that make me feel like a pretty "boring" mommy, for lack of a better word. So many blogs I read, I find people sharing amazing crafting projects they've taken on, creative things they've done with their kids, or worse yet for me, how incredibly cute and organized their entire house is. Sometimes I find myself wondering "are these people for real?" or are they just painting a pretty picture to make themselves feel better? Do they 'do things' just so they can blog about it? Seriously.

You won't find either the "heavy" or the pretty picture here. What you see is what you get. The Hart of the Matter is that I love my girls (and their Daddy) more than life itself and they are my life. Not my craft room, not my projects, and not this blog. I love them so much that I want to share them, but not if it means taking time away from the fun we're having to blog about it.

I guess we all search for "balance" in our lives. Some people seem to be able to do incredible things every day and still find time to scrapbook, craft, bake, and blog. I think for most of us, we're just doing our best to keep it all together. The old saying is so true for my family, 'we may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

I did add a couple of new updates below and some fun pictures below so keep reading. . . and keep checking back! Hey, and leave a comment while you're at it. . . :)

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1 comment:

Nikki said...

I totally understand what you mean, I just made that comment to my husband last night "it appears some of the people don't have anything better to do". I can say that some of us missed you while you were "gone" and we are glad you are back!! Even though we talk often we look forward to looking at pictures and the fun stuff you do!!