Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Long time

no blog! Wow, time flies when you're having fun I guess. I haven't found a moment to sit down and add to this little blog, and that's a bummer, because we've had lots of fun these last two weeks. We've also being going through a really rough time with Miss Avery and her health issues, (for more on that for you random 'blog stalkers' go to enter page name LittleMissAveryUpdates exactly.) So for today I'm just going to leave you with some great before and after shots of Miss Avery's first real haircut!

Before (obviously)

Can you say CrAzY HaIr?! It was a two bottle kind of day!

You didn't tell me we were doing a photo shoot today!
I would have done something with my hair!

Cheese grin! Such a goofy girl.

Ahhhh, so much better! Can you say c.u.t.e.?
Stay tuned for more fun from the Hart house! Things seemed to have calmed down for the moment, and I'll be updating lots of fun pics in the next couple of days!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Thanks for sharing, Lisa! I've been watching and waiting for updates!! I know what it's like - I try hard to update at least once a week!! LOVE THE HAIR! She looks so grown up!